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Using a Digital Asset Management System for Approvals

Using a Digital Asset Management System for Approvals

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Digital Asset Management (DAM) helps companies ensure campaigns only use brand approved assets.

So what is the best way to set up and streamline your approval process? Watch this interactive conversation with DAM experts from Salt FlatsBaptist Health and IntelligenceBank, and get their unique perspective on everything approvals.



Salt Flats – The Advisor

John Horodyski & Derek Torrey talk about what they see their consulting clients need in regards to a DAM and Approval solution, and they how they have seen their clients use Approvals to improve their system.

Baptist Health – The Client

Andy McLeroy and his team share with us their experience of using Approvals within their teams, and how they manage their Approval system within their organization.

IntelligenceBank – The Solutions Provider

Eric discusses some of the challenges that he has seen some of our clients have around Approvals, and how to make the most out of your processes.

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