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One Platform to Track and Review Content & Collateral

One Platform to Track and Review Content & Collateral

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We’ve launched a new tool to make managing content and collateral easier than ever before. Take a tour now, or keep reading.
Tracking and updating a bank of ‘always on’ creative assets like PDF brochures, web pages, digital ads and videos used to be hard. After content and collateral is released to market, the task of monitoring and refreshing it was often a disjointed manual process. At times, assets could be all together forgotten about leaving companies wide open to risk. 
What made this process dangerous is that sitting amongst the live content and collateral is some extremely delicate information, for example, product disclosure statements, pricing and regulatory fine print. When attempting to manage hundreds of these assets via spreadsheets, share drives and diary reminders, some are bound to fall through the cracks. This is when regulatory fines appear and reputations suffer.
Our new Content and Collateral Tracker is a dedicated platform with the sole function of making it easy to keep your ‘always on’ content ‘always up-to-date’. 
On this platform, you can assign webpages, documents, promotional material and other assets to specific reviewers, set review cycles, and get alerted when a review is due. You can then collaborate with colleagues to make changes and upload the latest approved version to be reviewed again in the future. It also features a dashboard where review progress and activity can be monitored.


Here’s how it works:

  • All assets are stored in the IntelligenceBank DAM
  • Each asset is named and tagged with a review cycle time period (eg 30/60/365 days)
  • 30 days before each asset is up for review, an email alert is sent
  • The asset is reviewed and shared with other collaborators for input
  • Updates are made and the version is approved
  • The asset is then updated in the IntelligenceBank DAM as a new version of the asset and a new review cycle is started
  • A full record of the asset review and approval is kept for future reference, especially if audited
Our new platform gives you the confidence to know all content and collateral is regularly reviewed and updated so only approved material is live. And on top of the reduced risk, you’ll save time by easily identifying and updating the latest versions of assets, eliminating the need to decipher which materials require updates.
If you’d like to learn more, contact us for a tour.

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